It’s Thursday and if you woke up this morning, Praise God, YOU ARE ONE DAY WISER AND ONE DAY CLOSER TO FULFILLING THE WILL OF GOD………..Get It!


If you made it through yesterday and last night, you are one day wiser than you were before, or you should be.  Think of all the things you learned yesterday that you didn’t know before yesterday.  Think of all the people that you met and affected or effected in your daily walk, run or operations.  Think of all the information you obtained and retained.  Think about all the ways God blessed you, kept you, led you and fed you, even when you couldn’t – HE DID, HALLELUJAH!


We must stop looking at our days with regret and worry; instead, we must enter each day excited, ready, willing and able to have God’s best and to be God’s best, Hallelujah!


We must stop looking at our days with anxiety and frustration; instead, we should be observant to see what God is going to do next and what He has already done thus far.


THE LORD WOKE YOU UP, US UP TO BLESS US; PROSPER US; FAVOR US; LOVE US – not to take us through and not to just watch us go through……WE ARE BETTER THAN WHAT WE SETTLE FOR OR GO THROUGH.

It’s a New Year, a New Day, a New Week and God is trying to do something new for you and me too.  God loves you more than you could ever know and He wants to show you if only you will give Him a chance.  He wants to prosper you.  He wants to bless you; in fact, He’s already blessing you but, do you see the blessings?


Do you see the blessings of God all around you? or, Are you so busy going through life to recognize any blessing at all?  The very air that you breathe from one breath to the next is a blessing, if you’re still breathing at the end of the day.  If you have a job, whether you like it or not, You’re Blessed. Everyone doesn’t have a job, they’re praying for jobs; getting evicted; stressing out and going through SO…….WHAT ARE YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT?  PRAISE GOD AND TRUST GOD…..


We must become more grateful for the goodness of God.   God doesn’t have to do anything for anyone, IT’S A CHOICE.  Have you ever thought about that?  


GOD IS NOT OBLIGATED TO DO ANYTHING FOR YOU OR ME.  EVERY GOOD AND GREAT THING THAT HE DOES, HE CHOOSES TO DO BECAUSE HE LOVES US, not because He has too.  He didn’t have to send Jesus down to die on the cross for us, it was a choice.  Just as He chooses us each day; He chooses to love us each day and bless us each day, WE TOO HAVE A CHOICE TO MAKE.  WE can either live everyday negative, angry, sad, regretful, defeated, disgusted, devastated, sad, depressed, pissed off, whateva, or we can live positive, excited, faithful, diligent, ready, willing, able to do and see all that God has for us and so much more.  WE ARE OUR OWN WORST ENEMIES, HOW SAD……..But God wants to change that if you will only let Him.

You don’t have to look in the mirror and hate the person that you see or the life that you live; instead, you can see yourself as the beautiful person God created from the word go.  It’s doesn’t matter what picture the world painted of you, WHAT DOES GOD SAY?  The word says that “You are the APPLE OF HIS EYE.”  The word says that He loves you so much, me so much, us so much, that Angels war behind the scenes on our behalf from one minute to the next, JUST TO ENSURE THAT WE DO NOT FALL BECAUSE GOD SAID SO.   HIS LOVE IS JUST THAT GREAT, CAN YOU FEEL IT?  CAN YOU HEAR HIM SPEAKING TO YOU?  CAN YOU SEE HIS MERCIES MADE NEW WITH EACH POSITIVE THOUGHT, WITH EACH LOVING WORD, WITH EVERY SUBMITTING WILL?


You are the righteousness of God, if you didn’t know that, NOW YOU DO.  It doesn’t matter where you’ve been, it only matters WHERE YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE GOING……..I’M HEAVENBOUND, HOW ABOUT YOU?


Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all His Righteousness and all the things shall be added unto you.  YOU ARE FASTER, STRONGER, WISER, BETTER, MOVE FAVORED AND MORE LOVED BY GOD THAN ANYONE ELSE, if you didn’t know, now you do.  Walk in the goodness of God.  Embrace the love of God.  Seek the will of God so that you might live a more blessed, prosperous, peaceful, joyful, happy life in God.  I encourage each of you to love on God and let God love on You.


Know that you are one day wiser than you were the day before.  You are smarter than you were 5 minutes ago.  You are a blessing and a joy to the Lord to have and know and you are worth every bit of His love.


I pray that God will bless each and everyone of us to seek His will; to do His will; to desire His wisdom, understanding and love.  I pray that everyone will take more time to give God glory for all that He does and all that He is doing.  I pray that God will continue to guide our feet as we walk and our voices as we talk.  I pray that He will help us to be LEADERS AND NOT FOLLOWERS; GIVERS AND NOT TAKERS…….

Father God, I thank You for another day on earth to understand Your love and hear Your voice.  I thank You for guiding us with Your love and showing us just how much we mean to You.  Lead us Oh God into another day of peace and joy.  Help us to do Your will and not our own.  Forgive us for transgressions of our past and present.  Help us to search Your word for greater understanding and wisdom.  Help us to make wiser choices and better decisions with our lives, money, time, friends and purpose in You.  Lead us to higher heights in You and greener pastures.  Help us to be as faithful to You as You are to us.  Bless our family, friends, enemies, and strangers alike.  Help us to grow up according to Your word and will, not our own.  Help us to CHOOSE YOU, AS YOU CHOOSE US.  Let us be everything that You have called and ordained.  Help us to be more like you and less like us in Jesus Holy and Righteous Name, I do humbly pray, Amen!



I’m one day smarter, faster, wiser, better,

Growing with every breath that I utter,


I am the righteousness of God manifested in flesh,



I am striving, dedicated to grow,

To be all that He called me to be and more,


I won’t give up, I won’t give in,

I choose God; therefore, I win,


The enemy won’t stop me, He won’t win,

As long as God is on my side, surely, I will win,


Nothing that anyone does will stop me from Him,

I’m determined to live the life foretold by Him,

And predestined by the one who gives and gives,


I will soar, I will shine,

I will be all He said in time,

No matter what you do, you won’t change my mind,



Be Blessed




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