Like the pen to the paper,

Or the paper to the pen,

I write from deep within,

From thoughts, I’ve been thinking,

Determined to change my way of thinking,

So that I can keep on dreaming,


Achieving and Receiving,

What I write,

What I say,

How my life ends,

Day after Day,

Like the pen to this paper,

And the paper to this pen,

I write from within,

I write to be whole within,

To be whole again,

To see that lost friend,

Hiding within,

Because I beheld within,

That it is within,

That I truly begin,

And so now, I keep my paper with my pen,

And I,

I, Yes, I,

I write……




Mark 4:13-20

13 Then Jesus said to them, “Don’t you understand this parable? How then will you understand any parable? 14 The farmer sows the word. 15 Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them. 16 Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. 17 But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 18 Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; 19 but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. 20 Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown.”

Like the farmer in the parable, we are here to make an effective difference on behalf of God.  We are here to help others along their walk and journey through life’s highways and byways.  God sent us out, not just to see the world for ourselves but to be an effective life changer in the world according to the word.  WE are not here by haphazard or simply for show and tell, we have a purpose higher than just doing our own thing; regardless of what others may have said or you may think.


If you hear the word but do not receive the word, you can not grow, you can not prosper, you will not succeed as well as others.  If you refuse to hear the word altogether, then you shall travel around in darkness all the days of your life, wishing and searching for light.  But when you receive the word of God and you utilize what you have learned to take you higher and faster in God, you will grow and others will grow because of you and what you have learned.  It is more to knowing the word of God than just knowing the word of God.  Yes, it’s great to quote scriptures for all to read but, if the word of God is not rooted in your heart, making an effective difference in you first, how can you expect it to make an effective difference in anyone else?


The sower does more than just sow.  He or she is there to make a difference.  The farmer does more than just farm, he is there to ensure not only that he eats and his family eats and grows but, his produce, his crops enable others the opportunity to eat, grow and prosper as well.


God is not a selfish God so, why are we as human beings such selfish people by nature?


If we sow to bad, bad will come; the crops will fail and we will live in want and lack but, if we sow to that which is good, good shall come to us and we shall prosper, everyone of us involved.  


The word of God says, “Whatever you do, do it to the glory of God.”  When you choose to sow into someone else – DO SO TO THE GLORY OF GOD.  If you give something to someone, don’t do it so that you can be seen and rewarded, instead, DO IT TO THE GLORY OF GOD.


If it is your will to see a great harvest in God, you must first sow into the kingdom of God, the things of God so that you might fully receive the blessings of God.

Put God first in everything that you do and you shall prosper.  Love on the children of God as Christ loves on you and the church, and you shall reap a great harvest in God.  Treat people better than the way that you want to be treated and you shall reap a great reward.  Take time to consider others, GET PAST YOURSELF.  Sow into the people that you say that you love.  When you take time to help God’s children grow and learn; prosper and succeed, you also open the doors for God to bless you in abundance as well.

We must seek to do good by others and to love on God.  WE must learn to love others and ourselves the way that God loves us.  We must remember that what we do in this world matters, yes, it does count and it does have consequences.  Embrace the will of God today.  Seek to sow good into the earth and into others so that you might receive the full harvest that God has in store just for you.


Don’t let the enemy rob you of the blessings of God because you refuse to obey the will of God.  REVENGE IS FOR THE LORD so if you have revenge on your mind or in your heart this day, I suggest you let go of it.  The word says that we must pray for those who spitefully misuse us and abuse us.  It is not God’s will that we take matters into our own hands, VENGEANCE IS MINE SAYS THE LORD.  Hallelujah!  


If you truly want a successful life in God, you must be willing to be a blessing to others just as God blesses you.  God does not bless us so that we can brag about the things that we have or so that we can go out and buy more things that we don’t need or can’t afford; instead, HE BLESSES US SO THAT WE CAN BE A BLESSING TO SOMEONE ELSE.  When we take time to give back to others the same way that God has given to us, we are able to see the full rewards of being a servant for the Lord and God is pleased.  WE must stop making excuses for not helping others or EVEN WORSE, We must stop making excuses for not helping ourselves and GET ON OUR JOB.

That new job you got is not all about you, it was meant to be blessing to others.  That new car God just gave you, was not all about you, it was meant to help those in need just like you.  God is not a selfish God.  When He gives, He gives to ensure that everyone is blessed and made whole, not just to say that He did or so that others could have more stuff.  Life is more than just Stuff; what we have or what we can get or even, who we can get it from.  The parables that God has presented before us are meant to help us be all that God has called us to be and to help us, and to help others to grow and go in God.  If you are in the word daily but show no fruit from your laboring, YOU OUTTA CHECK YOURSELF BEFORE YOU WRECK YOURSELF BECAUSE GOD HAS A GREATER USE FOR YOUR LIFE THAN JUST THIS.  If you go to church every week but show no love or mercy to anyone else any other day of the week, check the harvest that you expect to reap and then check the sower completing the deposit.


I encourage each and everyone of you to embrace the goodness of God and to be careful to sow great things into this world and life so that you might receive a full harvest.  At the end of our journey, nothing that we possess on this earth will travel with us to heaven, not even our physical being (flesh); therefore, it serves no purpose to seek to have things that have no spiritual growth and add no spiritual value to your time on this earth.  I pray that God will show you how to let go of the worldly possessions so that you can find a more rewarding, more fulfilling future in Him.


If they took everything from you physically in this world, the word of God and the love of God is more than enough to replace everything stolen and then some but if you are filled with nothing, then what?  Be careful what you put out and be even more careful what you take in because the devil is smooth like butter and he stays on his job.  



Father God, thank You for another blessed day on this earth.  Thank You for providing us with parables that help us to understand your word and your will for our lives.  Go before us this day Oh Lord, help us to sow great things into others, ourselves and this world that You have set us in.  Help us to know in full that WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND.  Bless our homes.  Help us to farm with patience, diligence and expectancy.  Help us to sow into the children of God so that they might prosper and be of good health.  Guide us as we travel to and fro upon the earth.  Help us to be about Your business doing Your will.  Help us to love on one another as Christ loves the church.  Help us to get past ourselves long enough to be a shining example and light for someone else.  Remove from us the selfishness that hinders our walk and our breakthrough.  Help us to be an effective leader and servant for Your ministry.  Help us to seek Your Will and Your Word with our whole hearts.  Bless our family, friends, enemies and strangers.  Heal the land and nurse us all back to good health.  WE thank You in advance for everything that You are doing; have done or will do.  Go before us this day and forevermore in Jesus Holy and Righteous Name, I do humbly pray, Amen!



We reap what we sow,

You can’t forget what you know,

Like paying debts that you owe,

Or leaving a successor when you go,


Choosing Christ before you go,

Will ensure that you grow,

Soar and become so much more,

Than you ever thought or dreamed before,


If you reap a harvest of love, then love you will receive,

If you reap of harvest of trust, He’ll ensure that you achieve,

All the many things that He has set before thee,

Success is in your future, my child, please believe,


If you invest in the good of another,

Whether sister, father, cousin, or mother,

Family, friends, stranger or other,

Indeed you’ll be blessed like no other,

Forever covered,


In His Mighty love dear,

Filled with hope, there is no fear,

You reap what you sow,

It  really matters dear,


If you expect to succeed, you must do your part,

Love others truthfully, like God from the heart,

Think before you act, you’re worth every thought,

And Keep Christ First, at the center of your heart,


Don’t do wrong to others and expect to get right,

We are here to make a positive difference,

Not to get revenge for what ain’t right,

God will make up the difference,

We don’t have to fight the fight,

If we’ll just be still,

He’ll make it ALL alright,


Seek Good, do right,

And trust God to lead your life,


Love on others, seek to bless,

Strive to overcome every test,

And no matter what,


Inspite of it all, God designed the best,

And our lives were meant to be better than blessed,


WE must strive daily to be a blessing to others,

To love on the children of God, like no other,


To read the word of God so that we can grow,

And seek the will of God, to take us further than we know,


We must stay upon the path, placed before our face,

While trusting God to lead us, from day to day to day,

Without Him, it is impossible for any of us to run this race,

And at the end of our journey, we will see His face,


Don’t judge others, for there is judgement for you too,

At the end of our journey, we all will see the truth,


Whether you believe it or not, you reap what you sow,

So make your sowing worth it, if you expect to truly grow,

Believe it or not, you’re better than you know,

Practice what you preach, because you reap what you sow.



I believe that I shall receive,

I’m destined to live life free,


I will have all that has been promised to me,

I will live and walk in my destiny,


I was bound but, now I’m free,

It is because, I do believe,


I trust in God, I believe His word,

And I won’t rest until the world has heard,


He gave me life in the midst of my pain,

Gave me sunshine in place of my rain,


He helps me live, He leads my way,

He’s been faithful to me, Always,

I believe that He loves me forever and always,

So I’m more than willing to serve Him for the rest of my dayz,


I believe He sent His only begotten Son,

To save and redeem everyone,

New life is promised to everyone,

That’s why the Savior sent the Son,

To guarantee that we would be the one,

To live forever in heaven with the Father and the Son,


I believe with all my heart,

That I’ll soar high and I’ll fly far,

I’ll be everything that He said and more,


I won’t stop until I have achieved,

Everything that He called in me,


For I believe,

I have been saved.


Thank You Jesus!

all copyrights reserved.jan2013.too(2)deep





It’s Thursday and if you woke up this morning, Praise God, YOU ARE ONE DAY WISER AND ONE DAY CLOSER TO FULFILLING THE WILL OF GOD………..Get It!


If you made it through yesterday and last night, you are one day wiser than you were before, or you should be.  Think of all the things you learned yesterday that you didn’t know before yesterday.  Think of all the people that you met and affected or effected in your daily walk, run or operations.  Think of all the information you obtained and retained.  Think about all the ways God blessed you, kept you, led you and fed you, even when you couldn’t – HE DID, HALLELUJAH!


We must stop looking at our days with regret and worry; instead, we must enter each day excited, ready, willing and able to have God’s best and to be God’s best, Hallelujah!


We must stop looking at our days with anxiety and frustration; instead, we should be observant to see what God is going to do next and what He has already done thus far.


THE LORD WOKE YOU UP, US UP TO BLESS US; PROSPER US; FAVOR US; LOVE US – not to take us through and not to just watch us go through……WE ARE BETTER THAN WHAT WE SETTLE FOR OR GO THROUGH.

It’s a New Year, a New Day, a New Week and God is trying to do something new for you and me too.  God loves you more than you could ever know and He wants to show you if only you will give Him a chance.  He wants to prosper you.  He wants to bless you; in fact, He’s already blessing you but, do you see the blessings?


Do you see the blessings of God all around you? or, Are you so busy going through life to recognize any blessing at all?  The very air that you breathe from one breath to the next is a blessing, if you’re still breathing at the end of the day.  If you have a job, whether you like it or not, You’re Blessed. Everyone doesn’t have a job, they’re praying for jobs; getting evicted; stressing out and going through SO…….WHAT ARE YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT?  PRAISE GOD AND TRUST GOD…..


We must become more grateful for the goodness of God.   God doesn’t have to do anything for anyone, IT’S A CHOICE.  Have you ever thought about that?  


GOD IS NOT OBLIGATED TO DO ANYTHING FOR YOU OR ME.  EVERY GOOD AND GREAT THING THAT HE DOES, HE CHOOSES TO DO BECAUSE HE LOVES US, not because He has too.  He didn’t have to send Jesus down to die on the cross for us, it was a choice.  Just as He chooses us each day; He chooses to love us each day and bless us each day, WE TOO HAVE A CHOICE TO MAKE.  WE can either live everyday negative, angry, sad, regretful, defeated, disgusted, devastated, sad, depressed, pissed off, whateva, or we can live positive, excited, faithful, diligent, ready, willing, able to do and see all that God has for us and so much more.  WE ARE OUR OWN WORST ENEMIES, HOW SAD……..But God wants to change that if you will only let Him.

You don’t have to look in the mirror and hate the person that you see or the life that you live; instead, you can see yourself as the beautiful person God created from the word go.  It’s doesn’t matter what picture the world painted of you, WHAT DOES GOD SAY?  The word says that “You are the APPLE OF HIS EYE.”  The word says that He loves you so much, me so much, us so much, that Angels war behind the scenes on our behalf from one minute to the next, JUST TO ENSURE THAT WE DO NOT FALL BECAUSE GOD SAID SO.   HIS LOVE IS JUST THAT GREAT, CAN YOU FEEL IT?  CAN YOU HEAR HIM SPEAKING TO YOU?  CAN YOU SEE HIS MERCIES MADE NEW WITH EACH POSITIVE THOUGHT, WITH EACH LOVING WORD, WITH EVERY SUBMITTING WILL?


You are the righteousness of God, if you didn’t know that, NOW YOU DO.  It doesn’t matter where you’ve been, it only matters WHERE YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE GOING……..I’M HEAVENBOUND, HOW ABOUT YOU?


Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all His Righteousness and all the things shall be added unto you.  YOU ARE FASTER, STRONGER, WISER, BETTER, MOVE FAVORED AND MORE LOVED BY GOD THAN ANYONE ELSE, if you didn’t know, now you do.  Walk in the goodness of God.  Embrace the love of God.  Seek the will of God so that you might live a more blessed, prosperous, peaceful, joyful, happy life in God.  I encourage each of you to love on God and let God love on You.


Know that you are one day wiser than you were the day before.  You are smarter than you were 5 minutes ago.  You are a blessing and a joy to the Lord to have and know and you are worth every bit of His love.


I pray that God will bless each and everyone of us to seek His will; to do His will; to desire His wisdom, understanding and love.  I pray that everyone will take more time to give God glory for all that He does and all that He is doing.  I pray that God will continue to guide our feet as we walk and our voices as we talk.  I pray that He will help us to be LEADERS AND NOT FOLLOWERS; GIVERS AND NOT TAKERS…….

Father God, I thank You for another day on earth to understand Your love and hear Your voice.  I thank You for guiding us with Your love and showing us just how much we mean to You.  Lead us Oh God into another day of peace and joy.  Help us to do Your will and not our own.  Forgive us for transgressions of our past and present.  Help us to search Your word for greater understanding and wisdom.  Help us to make wiser choices and better decisions with our lives, money, time, friends and purpose in You.  Lead us to higher heights in You and greener pastures.  Help us to be as faithful to You as You are to us.  Bless our family, friends, enemies, and strangers alike.  Help us to grow up according to Your word and will, not our own.  Help us to CHOOSE YOU, AS YOU CHOOSE US.  Let us be everything that You have called and ordained.  Help us to be more like you and less like us in Jesus Holy and Righteous Name, I do humbly pray, Amen!



I’m one day smarter, faster, wiser, better,

Growing with every breath that I utter,


I am the righteousness of God manifested in flesh,



I am striving, dedicated to grow,

To be all that He called me to be and more,


I won’t give up, I won’t give in,

I choose God; therefore, I win,


The enemy won’t stop me, He won’t win,

As long as God is on my side, surely, I will win,


Nothing that anyone does will stop me from Him,

I’m determined to live the life foretold by Him,

And predestined by the one who gives and gives,


I will soar, I will shine,

I will be all He said in time,

No matter what you do, you won’t change my mind,



Be Blessed




all copyrights reserved.jan2014.2deep.toodeep




Praise be to God.  Half of the week has come and gone.  Half of the month, of another year has come and gone.  TIME WAITS FOR NO MAN, GET ON YO JOB!

It’s Wednesday, another day and opportunity for God to show up and show out, JUST FOR YOU.  Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised, what are you doing today to make your day and someone else’s day, a little bit brighter?  When you take your eyes off of your problem and you concern yourself with the issues of others, God is able to work a miracle for you in the midst of your concern and love.  We must keep our eyes focused on the prize – CHRIST JESUS.  We are more than conquerors.

We should embrace each new day with greater expectation.  We should enter into each day with praise and thanksgiving to God because He didn’t have to wake us up and He didn’t have to watch over us or our family, as we laid through the night.

We must get out of the habit of complaining so much.  WE are a NATION OF COMPLAINERS AND YET, WE ARE SO BLESSED…….JESUS……Anything that God brings you too, He’s guaranteed to bring you through.  Trust God where you can’t trace Him.  Love on your brothers and sisters, giving greater reason for God to love on you, all the more.

I HAVEN’T FIGURED OUT WHY WE AS HUMANS RUSH EACH AND EVERY DAY TO GO BY AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, AS IF TOMORROW IS PROMISED TO US?  We need to learn to stop and smell the roses.  WE need to learn to love on God and His goodness each and every day.  The love of God is why we are able to press on when we want to give up and yet God only gets the credit when something bad happens.

We are blessed to live; to grow; to be in the presence of the Most High God, yet another day.  Embrace His love.  Embrace His goodness.  Embrace His peace.  Embrace His favor.  Embrace His will for your life so that you can truly soar in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

GOD GAVE US WINGS TO SOAR, TO FLY WAY ON HIGH but, it is up to us whether or not we ever reach the heights set before us.  We must stop blaming other people for our lack; our hurt; our pain.  If there are people in your life who do not treat you right, GET OUT OF THEIR LIFE OR GET THEM OUT OF YOURS.  You can only soar so high with extra baggage on your wings.  If you survived the wrongs of the past, Praise God and Keep it pushing.  Don’t wallow in self pity for yourself, about yourself.  God brought you through to help someone else but in order for that to happen, YOU MUST GET PAST YOURSELF.  WE MUST GET PAST OUR SELVES.  We do not know time well enough to play with is as if………. We must enjoy each moment for what it is and for the blessing that it shall forever be.  There are people dropping dead by the wayside with each minute that passes and every breath that we take, WE MUST BECOME MORE GRATEFUL THAN WE ARE FOR EVERY DAY THAT WE ARE BLESSED TO SEE.

2 Chronicles 7:13-15

13″If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, 14and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15″Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.…

If you are here to see yet another day, ENJOY IT, THANK GOD FOR IT AND MAKE THE MOST OF IT.  Don’t just exist with no purpose, SOAR LIKE THE EAGLES TO BE ALL THAT GOD HAS CALLED YOU TO BE AND ORDAINED YOU TO BE.

Father God, I thank You for blessing us to see another day, another minute, another hour on this earth.  Thank you for taking us to higher heights in You.  Thank You for blessing us in our coming in and in our going out.  Guide our feet as we walk Oh Lord, please don’t let us stumble or fall.  Teach us your ways so that we might walk in Your will.  Forgive us of our sins both seen and unseen.  Bless our family and friends as they come to know Your will and Your word.  Heal the land Oh Lord and Heal the hearts of Your people.  Rain down peace, favor, hope, love, faith, joy and Jesus in abundance.  Help us to run at Your command and live according to Your word.  Bless us all today, tomorrow, and forever.  Make us stronger, faster, wiser, better, more faithful in You and to You.  We love You Jesus.  We praise You God.  Have Your way in our lives forever more in Jesus Holy and Righteous Name, I do humbly pray, Amen!



I’m not stressed,

Just another day – BLESSED,


Along with yesterday’s losses and gains,

I’m embracing my today, filled with faith,

Knowing that Jesus Christ leads the way,

I see the blessinsg shining through,

Everytime I let Him in to,

Take me further, help me soar,

I see the Lord’s Love, more and more,

My dayz look brighter, my life feels new,

As I let Him in to make me new,

I embrace each day thru and thru,

As His love unfolds I am renewed,

Excited I am, to see another day go by,

As I embrace every moment, with My Father in the sky,

I feel excited, He is my all,

And He will never ever let me fall,

Now that I’ve got it, I’ve got to soar,

I’ve got to be all He called and more,

As I embrace,


I feel blessed…..

Thank You Jesus!



In the Mighty Name of Jesus I declare all great things in the lives of my family members, friends, enemies and strangers alike from this day forth.  I declare life and not death; health and not hurt.  I declare love, peace, joy, happiness, prosperity, faith, hope, understanding, strength, greater wisdom and Jesus in the Mighty Name of Jesus.  I declare that God is excellent and worthy to be praised.  I declare that His word keeps me, heals me and blesses me each and every day.  I declare that all His children are wiser, stronger, faster, better than they have ever been.  I declare the Word of God as God Himself, manifested in a physical form called Jesus to be everything that we need Him to be and more in abundance.  I declare that I love the Lord with my whole heart.  I declare that my soul belongs to the Savior and King who rules everything.  I declare that 2014 is going to be my year because Jesus said so.  I declare that NO weapon formed against me or mine shall prosper and all that rise against shall feel the tyranny of the Lord.  I declare that I am a lender and not a borrower.  I declare that I am made whole through and through.  I declare that everything that God has promised me shall be mine and I won’t stop until I have what He says belongs to me in my possession.  I declare that I am totally debt free.  I declare that my children are heavenbound and set free.  I declare that My Jesus loves me.  I declare His Works and Words shall forever be, before me so that I can be, free in Him forever and all eternity.  I declare that I shall run and not get weary; walk and not faint; believe and receive in the Mighty Name of Jesus.  I declare that God has favored me and that every good thing that He has for me has already began to manifest itself in my life days ago, weeks ago, months ago, years ago in the spiritual so that it is right on time in the natural.  I declare that Jesus loves me and I love Him.  I declare that everything that He has called me to do I shall complete in full with my head held high and my mind made up.  I declare that I shall live a positive, productive, God filled, God favored, God loved life and I shall let nothing and no one hinder me from the blessings that God has beset before my life.  I declare that I shall be a blessing and not a curse; a help and not a hinderance; a joy and not a pain.  I declare the works of the Lord before my life and I declare Jesus as Lord of my life.  I declare that I will no longer be bullied by the enemy.  I declare that I have more than enough faith, and growing, to do EVERYTHING THAT GOD SAID I WOULD AND I COULD.  I declare that I won’t be boggled down by people’s lies, deceit, nonsense, foolishness, hurt or pain.  I declare that I will love on those who love on me, pray for those who mean me no good and get away from people who refuse to treat me right.  I declare that I will not let anyone stop me from doing what God wants me to do, not even myself, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.  I declare greater wisdom, understanding, knowledge and love for myself and all whom I know, love or encounter.  I declare peace in my home; in my life; in my children’s lives; in my businesses and in everything that I touch and all whom I meet.  I declare that 2013 was the start of something even greater in God than 2012 and 2014 is about to change the world.  I declare that my future’s so bright I gotta wear shades.  I declare every great, good, awesome, wonderful, faith filled, favored goodness and blessing for all of

God’s Children Everywhere in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.

This is my declaration for today.  This is my declaration for life.  I will have what God has promised me.  I’ve been to the mountain top and I’ve seen the promised land I won’t stop until I have everything that He promised me.  I pray that everyone reading this post will use what works, discard what doesn’t and be blessed just the same in Jesus Holy and Righteous Name.



I Declare life and not death over all whom I know,

I declare love and not hate, everywhere that I go,

I declare the Mighty works of Jesus because I know,

Just how awesome it is to have Him on your side fa sho,

I declare the great works of the Lord,

To everyone, everywhere,

I don’t care who looks, I don’t care who stares,

I declare my love for God for all to hear,

And I don’t care,

Who agrees and who doesn’t dear,

My declarations are my own,

And I won’t forsake them for you, oh no, I won’t,

I hope and pray that you decide to,

Declare the declarations that best fit you,

I don’t wanna be you,

And maybe you feel the same to,

My only objective is to see you blessed and prosperous to,

Doing all the things that God called you to,

Declare what you wish, if you so choose,

But make a decision, it’s worth it to you,

Latch on and hold tight to the promises of the Lord,

As He leads and guides your life out of all the discord,

Rise and Soar, forever more,

Become who He called you to be and so much more,

As you declare your success in God.

Be Blessed



Goodbye to the sadness and the long goodbye’s,

Good bye to depressed days and lonely nights,

Goodbye to going through for no good reason at all,

Goodbye to worrying about anything at all,

Goodbye to simple issues that resolved none,

Goodbye to the lies that helped no one,

Goodbye to fake friends and fake family too,

Goodbye to the lies folks told untrue,

Goodbye to the past that brought hurt and pain,

Hello future, filled with sunshine and rain,

Goodbye to loved one’s gone on,

Hello to those still standing strong,

Goodbye to a future bleak without regard,

Hello to a brighter future, filled with God,

Goodbye to the all the accomplishments left unfulfilled,

Hello to walking, living, doing God’s will,

Goodbye to past thoughts that bound me, gagged me,

Kept me from being who He said I’d be,

Hello to the new me,

Fresh and Free,

Living Successfully,

In my Jesus for All Eternity,

Goodbye to anyone or anything, that don’t mean me no good,

Goodbye to living days, up to no good,

Goodbye to the times lost in space,

Goodbye to the very idea of wasted space,

Hello to Jesus as I embrace,

The goodness of knowing Him and running this race,

I choose then at this moment to say,

Hallelujah! Jesus, thank you for paving the way,

Keeping me safe so that I can stay,

And be all that You called me to be and then some, Hey!

Goodbye to the lies of the enemy and his emps too,

Goodbye to the spells called out too,

All the things that hindered me to,

From walking the walking He said I would,

Goodbye to broken promises and false attitudes,

Goodbye to the past as I embrace the future,

I say hello to a better life, filled with success,

Where everything that I touch is blessed,

I declare in Jesus name, I have success,

And my river overfloweth with God’s overflowing wealth,

I am the righteousness of God manifested in the form of His creation,

And I will have for me, every great thing,

I say Hello to all the promises that He has made to me,

And I thank Him in advance for every great thing,

Past, present and future,

At this moment, I embrace my future,

Feeling blessed, as I say goodbye to 2013,

I claim full success,

In God’s best and plus,

Going forward in greater success,

I know in God, I shall remain blessed,

Guaranteed His best,

As I say goodbye to every test,

I know I’ve passed them already because I am blessed,

I progress forward in my success,

Thank You Jesus, Goodbye to the Past.

What God has for you is for you…..


“If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments, and perform them … you shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely. I will give you peace in the land, and you shall lie down, and none will make you afraid; I will rid the land of evil beasts, and the sword will not go through your land. You will chase your enemies, and they shall fall by the sword before you. Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight; your enemies shall fall by the sword before you.” Leviticus 26:3

No matter what circumstances we might find ourselves in right now, or what may lay before our futures, God knows exactly what will be and He already has a resolve to the situation.  It doesn’t matter what your circumstances might look like, God is the answer and He has an answer that will heal every sickness; kill any disease; pay any bill and destroy any enemy that might choose to come up against you.  God promises that no harm will come to us and we shall prosper beyond understanding if only we follow Him and trust Him.  


Jesus promised, “NO good thing would He withhold from us and if we ask, we shall receive; if we seek, we shall find and if we knock, the door shall be opened unto us.”  God wants to be our everything.  He wants to bless us in abundance so that we can be a blessing to others.  He wants us to prosper so that others can see us; follow Him and prosper too.  It is not His will that we live in lack or less than.  


If you choose to believe nothing else in your life, believe in the word of God; the will of God and the goodness of God because, it is real and life changing.  God can do for you what no man could ever imagine or think to do; not even to phantom and He wants to do it for you.

“For the Lord your God walks in the midst of your camp, to deliver you and give your enemies over to you; therefore your camp shall be holy, that He may see no unclean thing among you, and turn away from you.” Deuteronomy 23:14

As you enter into a new day; a new minute; a new hour; a new weekend; a new year; do not forsake your time with God, it is precious and oh so worth while.  Whether you’re watching him on television; reading the word; or attending church regularly, make time for God, He is so worth it.  


Your change comes when you embrace the beautiful person that He created inside from His perspective, not yours and not the worlds.  God wants to transfer some caterpillars into butterflies so that they can truly soar in His Name.  It is His will that you have life and life more abundantly, make no mistake about it but, you must be willing to do your part.  FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD.  If you believe that you shall receive, then you shall but, it is not good to doubt by no means, just stand on the word of God, it carries SERIOUS SERIOUS WEIGHT.

“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Luke 10:19

I pray that as your New Year comes in, that you will allow God to have His way in your life.  I pray that He will fill you with his goodness and show you His will for your life so that you can run this race with due diligence and excellence in His Name and Honor.  I pray that He blesses you from the crown of your head to the souls of your feet and all whom you love in greater abundance.  I pray that He imparts upon you the wisdom that you so need to be all that He has called you to be and more.  


Enter into each day with your head held high and your heart reassurred that God loves you and that He is doing everything He possibly can to take care of you and all your needs, if only you will let Him.  He will not leave you and He will not forsake you.  He will not allow you to fall because He loves you so much but, it’s time for you to start loving yourself a little bit more.  This is the year of prosperity.  2014 is the year to excel and exceed on levels unimagined in the Mighty Name of Jesus.  It is your time.  It is my time.  It is our time to have all that God has promised and more in abundance but, we must be willing to do our parts.  We must be willing to believe; to embrace God; to accept the changes that He makes in our lives – both voluntary and involuntary.  God is worthy to be praised and He is looking for more soldiers to join the front line and build the Kingdom of God in full.  

“And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.” Matthew 10:1

I pray that we will enter into this New Year with our minds made up that we will no longer let the devil run us around in a muck, like a dog with his tail tucked between his legs.  I pray that each and everyone of us will accept who God wants us to be and be who God called us to be.  I pray that we will love on God as He loves on us and I pray that we will encourage others to do the same.  We don’t have to live our lives in desperation; in turmoil; in sadness; in depression; in worry; in lack; in anger or in frustration; instead, we can live our lives in peace; in joy; in favor; in God.


Take each day for what it is, enjoy it, embrace it, look forward to it instead of dreading and regretting it before it comes.  God does not awaken us to see a new day so that we can worry about what will happen before it comes or while it is happening.  God does not want us to be fearful of anyone or anything because He is the King of Everything, whether the world believes it or not.  God wants to do miraculous things in your life; in my life; this He promises in every word that He preaches and speaks throughout the word; throughout the many prophets and people who spoke, heard and did.  God wants to bless us in abundance.  He said the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous but we must be lined up with the word of God in order to truly, fully receive what God has for each of us.  I encourage you to embrace the promises of God.  I encourage you to read the word of God because it tells you what the promises are so that you can know why you’re running this race and what you’re really fighting for.

“No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from me,” says the Lord. Isaiah 54:17

“… but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” Daniel 11:32

Father God, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, I thank You for another day on earth. I thank You for another opportunity to embrace Your love; Your peace; Your joy; Your favor; Your patience; Your strength; Your grace; Your mercy and You.  I pray that You will go before each and every one of us.  Help us to believe in Your promises.  Help us to receive the Word of God as it goes forth and to read the word of God so that we can grow and be all that You have called us to be.  Bless us in this coming New Year.  Open our eyes to see the world for what it is and to know You for the Awesome God that You are.  Bless our family and friends both near and far.  Help those who do not know You, to come to know You so that they can live a prosperous and wonderful life.  Lead us as we go into our tomorrow; our right now; our future and our forever.  Help us to be all that You ordained us to be when You created us in our mother’s womb.  Forgive us of our sins that we have committed; both seen and unseen; known and unknown; confessed and unconfessed.  Help us to be more like You and less like us.  Let our hearts beat, ring and bleed Jesus thru and thru.  Bless us in every endeavor and anything that we might put our hands on.  Help us to be a blessing and not a curse in the up and coming year and days to come.  We thank You in advance for blessing us all throughout the Year.  We thank You for blessing our family members; our friends; our enemies and even strangers we met in the streets.  Continue to go before us, please never ignore us.  Lead us this day and forever more into the abundant, blessed, beautiful, favored, filled life that You have set before us in Jesus Holy and Righteous Name, we do humbly pray, Amen!

May God bless each and every one of you in this up and coming day, hour, weekend, week and New Year in Jesus Holy and Righteous Name, I pray, Amen!

Be Blessed



God is the answer to every problem,

No matter the situation, He will resolve it,

There’s no problem too difficult, He will solve it,

If we hold on to Him, we’ll be better for it;

Trusting in Him, they’ll be no regrets;


Blessed we are, God guaranteed it so,

And He won’t stop until we succeed so,

We must keep going, if we expect to grow,

Remembering forever, God is and so;


Whatever we want, whatever we need,

In God we are guaranteed to succeed,


His promises are forever,

The truth we read,

Every word in the Word is meant to help us succeed,


Because God is,




And there is none like Him in all the earth.


Be Blessed….



If I could say anything, I’d say thank You Jesus,

Knowing forever, that He is the reason,


For every great thing, that He has done,

I am grateful, He’s my number one,

The Key Ingredient is the Son,

To having a life, like no one,


Could ever imagine or even think so,

The goodness of God, I can’t let go,

I’m so thankful that in Him I can grow,

And become everything that He said and so,

I thank Him forever and even more,


Because God can do anything but fail.

Thank You Jesus, for being everything I need and more……


Encouraging others; God; Faith, Growing, Living and Learning