Praise be to God.  Half of the week has come and gone.  Half of the month, of another year has come and gone.  TIME WAITS FOR NO MAN, GET ON YO JOB!

It’s Wednesday, another day and opportunity for God to show up and show out, JUST FOR YOU.  Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised, what are you doing today to make your day and someone else’s day, a little bit brighter?  When you take your eyes off of your problem and you concern yourself with the issues of others, God is able to work a miracle for you in the midst of your concern and love.  We must keep our eyes focused on the prize – CHRIST JESUS.  We are more than conquerors.

We should embrace each new day with greater expectation.  We should enter into each day with praise and thanksgiving to God because He didn’t have to wake us up and He didn’t have to watch over us or our family, as we laid through the night.

We must get out of the habit of complaining so much.  WE are a NATION OF COMPLAINERS AND YET, WE ARE SO BLESSED…….JESUS……Anything that God brings you too, He’s guaranteed to bring you through.  Trust God where you can’t trace Him.  Love on your brothers and sisters, giving greater reason for God to love on you, all the more.

I HAVEN’T FIGURED OUT WHY WE AS HUMANS RUSH EACH AND EVERY DAY TO GO BY AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, AS IF TOMORROW IS PROMISED TO US?  We need to learn to stop and smell the roses.  WE need to learn to love on God and His goodness each and every day.  The love of God is why we are able to press on when we want to give up and yet God only gets the credit when something bad happens.

We are blessed to live; to grow; to be in the presence of the Most High God, yet another day.  Embrace His love.  Embrace His goodness.  Embrace His peace.  Embrace His favor.  Embrace His will for your life so that you can truly soar in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

GOD GAVE US WINGS TO SOAR, TO FLY WAY ON HIGH but, it is up to us whether or not we ever reach the heights set before us.  We must stop blaming other people for our lack; our hurt; our pain.  If there are people in your life who do not treat you right, GET OUT OF THEIR LIFE OR GET THEM OUT OF YOURS.  You can only soar so high with extra baggage on your wings.  If you survived the wrongs of the past, Praise God and Keep it pushing.  Don’t wallow in self pity for yourself, about yourself.  God brought you through to help someone else but in order for that to happen, YOU MUST GET PAST YOURSELF.  WE MUST GET PAST OUR SELVES.  We do not know time well enough to play with is as if………. We must enjoy each moment for what it is and for the blessing that it shall forever be.  There are people dropping dead by the wayside with each minute that passes and every breath that we take, WE MUST BECOME MORE GRATEFUL THAN WE ARE FOR EVERY DAY THAT WE ARE BLESSED TO SEE.

2 Chronicles 7:13-15

13″If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, 14and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15″Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.…

If you are here to see yet another day, ENJOY IT, THANK GOD FOR IT AND MAKE THE MOST OF IT.  Don’t just exist with no purpose, SOAR LIKE THE EAGLES TO BE ALL THAT GOD HAS CALLED YOU TO BE AND ORDAINED YOU TO BE.

Father God, I thank You for blessing us to see another day, another minute, another hour on this earth.  Thank you for taking us to higher heights in You.  Thank You for blessing us in our coming in and in our going out.  Guide our feet as we walk Oh Lord, please don’t let us stumble or fall.  Teach us your ways so that we might walk in Your will.  Forgive us of our sins both seen and unseen.  Bless our family and friends as they come to know Your will and Your word.  Heal the land Oh Lord and Heal the hearts of Your people.  Rain down peace, favor, hope, love, faith, joy and Jesus in abundance.  Help us to run at Your command and live according to Your word.  Bless us all today, tomorrow, and forever.  Make us stronger, faster, wiser, better, more faithful in You and to You.  We love You Jesus.  We praise You God.  Have Your way in our lives forever more in Jesus Holy and Righteous Name, I do humbly pray, Amen!



I’m not stressed,

Just another day – BLESSED,


Along with yesterday’s losses and gains,

I’m embracing my today, filled with faith,

Knowing that Jesus Christ leads the way,

I see the blessinsg shining through,

Everytime I let Him in to,

Take me further, help me soar,

I see the Lord’s Love, more and more,

My dayz look brighter, my life feels new,

As I let Him in to make me new,

I embrace each day thru and thru,

As His love unfolds I am renewed,

Excited I am, to see another day go by,

As I embrace every moment, with My Father in the sky,

I feel excited, He is my all,

And He will never ever let me fall,

Now that I’ve got it, I’ve got to soar,

I’ve got to be all He called and more,

As I embrace,


I feel blessed…..

Thank You Jesus!

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