In the Mighty Name of Jesus I declare all great things in the lives of my family members, friends, enemies and strangers alike from this day forth.  I declare life and not death; health and not hurt.  I declare love, peace, joy, happiness, prosperity, faith, hope, understanding, strength, greater wisdom and Jesus in the Mighty Name of Jesus.  I declare that God is excellent and worthy to be praised.  I declare that His word keeps me, heals me and blesses me each and every day.  I declare that all His children are wiser, stronger, faster, better than they have ever been.  I declare the Word of God as God Himself, manifested in a physical form called Jesus to be everything that we need Him to be and more in abundance.  I declare that I love the Lord with my whole heart.  I declare that my soul belongs to the Savior and King who rules everything.  I declare that 2014 is going to be my year because Jesus said so.  I declare that NO weapon formed against me or mine shall prosper and all that rise against shall feel the tyranny of the Lord.  I declare that I am a lender and not a borrower.  I declare that I am made whole through and through.  I declare that everything that God has promised me shall be mine and I won’t stop until I have what He says belongs to me in my possession.  I declare that I am totally debt free.  I declare that my children are heavenbound and set free.  I declare that My Jesus loves me.  I declare His Works and Words shall forever be, before me so that I can be, free in Him forever and all eternity.  I declare that I shall run and not get weary; walk and not faint; believe and receive in the Mighty Name of Jesus.  I declare that God has favored me and that every good thing that He has for me has already began to manifest itself in my life days ago, weeks ago, months ago, years ago in the spiritual so that it is right on time in the natural.  I declare that Jesus loves me and I love Him.  I declare that everything that He has called me to do I shall complete in full with my head held high and my mind made up.  I declare that I shall live a positive, productive, God filled, God favored, God loved life and I shall let nothing and no one hinder me from the blessings that God has beset before my life.  I declare that I shall be a blessing and not a curse; a help and not a hinderance; a joy and not a pain.  I declare the works of the Lord before my life and I declare Jesus as Lord of my life.  I declare that I will no longer be bullied by the enemy.  I declare that I have more than enough faith, and growing, to do EVERYTHING THAT GOD SAID I WOULD AND I COULD.  I declare that I won’t be boggled down by people’s lies, deceit, nonsense, foolishness, hurt or pain.  I declare that I will love on those who love on me, pray for those who mean me no good and get away from people who refuse to treat me right.  I declare that I will not let anyone stop me from doing what God wants me to do, not even myself, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.  I declare greater wisdom, understanding, knowledge and love for myself and all whom I know, love or encounter.  I declare peace in my home; in my life; in my children’s lives; in my businesses and in everything that I touch and all whom I meet.  I declare that 2013 was the start of something even greater in God than 2012 and 2014 is about to change the world.  I declare that my future’s so bright I gotta wear shades.  I declare every great, good, awesome, wonderful, faith filled, favored goodness and blessing for all of

God’s Children Everywhere in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.

This is my declaration for today.  This is my declaration for life.  I will have what God has promised me.  I’ve been to the mountain top and I’ve seen the promised land I won’t stop until I have everything that He promised me.  I pray that everyone reading this post will use what works, discard what doesn’t and be blessed just the same in Jesus Holy and Righteous Name.



I Declare life and not death over all whom I know,

I declare love and not hate, everywhere that I go,

I declare the Mighty works of Jesus because I know,

Just how awesome it is to have Him on your side fa sho,

I declare the great works of the Lord,

To everyone, everywhere,

I don’t care who looks, I don’t care who stares,

I declare my love for God for all to hear,

And I don’t care,

Who agrees and who doesn’t dear,

My declarations are my own,

And I won’t forsake them for you, oh no, I won’t,

I hope and pray that you decide to,

Declare the declarations that best fit you,

I don’t wanna be you,

And maybe you feel the same to,

My only objective is to see you blessed and prosperous to,

Doing all the things that God called you to,

Declare what you wish, if you so choose,

But make a decision, it’s worth it to you,

Latch on and hold tight to the promises of the Lord,

As He leads and guides your life out of all the discord,

Rise and Soar, forever more,

Become who He called you to be and so much more,

As you declare your success in God.

Be Blessed



Goodbye to the sadness and the long goodbye’s,

Good bye to depressed days and lonely nights,

Goodbye to going through for no good reason at all,

Goodbye to worrying about anything at all,

Goodbye to simple issues that resolved none,

Goodbye to the lies that helped no one,

Goodbye to fake friends and fake family too,

Goodbye to the lies folks told untrue,

Goodbye to the past that brought hurt and pain,

Hello future, filled with sunshine and rain,

Goodbye to loved one’s gone on,

Hello to those still standing strong,

Goodbye to a future bleak without regard,

Hello to a brighter future, filled with God,

Goodbye to the all the accomplishments left unfulfilled,

Hello to walking, living, doing God’s will,

Goodbye to past thoughts that bound me, gagged me,

Kept me from being who He said I’d be,

Hello to the new me,

Fresh and Free,

Living Successfully,

In my Jesus for All Eternity,

Goodbye to anyone or anything, that don’t mean me no good,

Goodbye to living days, up to no good,

Goodbye to the times lost in space,

Goodbye to the very idea of wasted space,

Hello to Jesus as I embrace,

The goodness of knowing Him and running this race,

I choose then at this moment to say,

Hallelujah! Jesus, thank you for paving the way,

Keeping me safe so that I can stay,

And be all that You called me to be and then some, Hey!

Goodbye to the lies of the enemy and his emps too,

Goodbye to the spells called out too,

All the things that hindered me to,

From walking the walking He said I would,

Goodbye to broken promises and false attitudes,

Goodbye to the past as I embrace the future,

I say hello to a better life, filled with success,

Where everything that I touch is blessed,

I declare in Jesus name, I have success,

And my river overfloweth with God’s overflowing wealth,

I am the righteousness of God manifested in the form of His creation,

And I will have for me, every great thing,

I say Hello to all the promises that He has made to me,

And I thank Him in advance for every great thing,

Past, present and future,

At this moment, I embrace my future,

Feeling blessed, as I say goodbye to 2013,

I claim full success,

In God’s best and plus,

Going forward in greater success,

I know in God, I shall remain blessed,

Guaranteed His best,

As I say goodbye to every test,

I know I’ve passed them already because I am blessed,

I progress forward in my success,

Thank You Jesus, Goodbye to the Past.

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